Virtual Enrollment for School Year 2021-2022 Begins April 2!

Virtual Enrollment for School Year 2021-2022 Begins April 2!

Attention all parents, guardians, and other primary caregivers! Virtual enrollment starts on April 2!

Before submitting your student's enrollment packet, you must attend a mandatory informational meeting. We will walk through the enrollment process together and Registrar Dana Nearing will share important updates since the last enrollment season.

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Ellington’s Literary Media & Communications Department Presents “Dreams, Escapism, and Frustration” This Friday
Juan Ulloa Juan Ulloa

Ellington’s Literary Media & Communications Department Presents “Dreams, Escapism, and Frustration” This Friday

The year 2020 was marked by distance, loneliness, and frustration. Distance from friends and family, coupled with the loneliness caused by that distance. It was punctuated by the frustration of a world full of pain and misunderstanding. The students of the Duke Ellington School of the Arts' Literary, Media, and Communication Department have prepared a night of words, images, and emotions that will reflect on 12 months unlike any in recent memory.

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